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New Post  7/9/2009 10:30 AM
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Wgx ->aspx Extension issue / Error page customisation /  
Modified By ISTech on 7/9/2009 1:31:51 PM)


I followed the directions on the page: 

but when I run the application it shows a blank page.  If I view the code I can see visual webgui code, but nothing shows up.  Any ideas?

Also how I hijack the error page to show my own? I am trapping errors in the Global.asax in the method:

void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)

but can't figure how to show my own error page (search on forum with no luck to).

Final question - how do you kill a session on the server. To explain better when a user leaves the screen and then comes back it remembers what they were last doing.  What we want is to have a button which will completely kill the session.  The logoff didn't seem to - but perhaps because I was using the log off, not quite sure.?

We are getting very near release and the software so far has exceeded expectations, just cleaning up all the little things. Keep up the awesome work! If you want a reference just ask :)

 BTW - using the latest version released yesterday.


 Andrew Thomas

New Post  7/9/2009 10:37 AM
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Re: Wgx ->aspx Extension issue / Error page customisation /  
Modified By rdhatch on 7/9/2009 1:59:36 PM)

Hi Andrew,

Please start by reviewing the Deployment Section for VWG Best Practices.  You will see several walkthroughs, as well as all the file extensions available to you, without altering IIS.  I am using .ASHX with great success:



    <!--  VWG File Extension to use internally (JavaScript, CSS, etc.) -->

    <Extension Value=".ashx"/>






        This http handler routes the requests to Modules/Icons/Images/Css/Xslt/Resoureces.

        Client events are sinked through this router as well.


      <add verb="*" path="*.ashx" type="Gizmox.WebGUI.Server.Router,Gizmox.WebGUI.Server,Version=3.0.5701.0,Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=3de6eb684226c24d"/>


Hope this helps!


PS. Congratulations on your roll-out!

Ryan D. Hatch, VWG MVP | VWG Community Frameworks | VWG Wiki
New Post  7/9/2009 11:04 AM
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Re: Wgx ->aspx Extension issue / Error page customisation /  


Thanks for that link - useful! wish I had found it before.  I have done what you have in the example above but it doesn't work in my development environment so am worried about putting it on our live servers.  Should it work in the development environment too?  It just gives me the blank page (but there is source code).  When i remove it it works fine again.  I tried changing private version too...

New Post  7/9/2009 11:09 AM
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Re: Wgx ->aspx Extension issue / Error page customisation /  

Hi Andrew,

Hope Ryan's reply helps a bit with the .ashx extension (thanks Ryan). As you are using the just released version of VWG, I kind of suspect that you might be having caching issues. Try going through this list and see if you get it working.

  • 1. Shut down VS if it's running
  • 2. Delete your browser cache (IE=Delete temporary internet files FF=Clear Private Data + Cache)
  • 3. Go to 'C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<Your relevant framework>\Temporary ASP.NET Files, delete all Visual webGui files. Please note that if you are running your app under Visual studio dev web server, this step applies to folder on your local machine. If you are running from a web server, this step applies to that server.
  • 4. Reset IIS if app will not be run within VS Dev webserver
  • 5. Open sample application
  • 6. Delete obj and bin folders (and ClientBin if SilverLight deploy)
  • 7. Delete all Gizmox references
  • 8. Reference the Gixmox DLL's, which now should be correct version
  • 9. Temporarily set "Disable Caching" in General tab of VWG integration (remember setting back if production app). This is equiv to web.config setting:
  •      <add name="VWG_DisableCachingSwitch" value="1" />
  • 10. Increase private version of project
  • 11. Clean
  • 12. Recompile
  • 13. Run in Dev Web server

Regarding your "remember what you were doing" issue, you are correct that to clean things up you need to destroy the session to make sure. Try the following:

VWGContext.Current.Session.IsLoggedOn = false;




Páll Björnsson - Visual WebGui support team - Email: [email protected]
New Post  7/9/2009 11:16 AM
56 posts
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Re: Wgx ->aspx Extension issue / Error page customisation /  

Thanks Palli will try that now.

Also any information regarding changing the error dialog popup (which is now just the IIS error message)?  Would like to change it to something more professional looking :)

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