6.4 Hierarchal ListView demo
I played a bit around with the new 6.4 ListView control, its quite amazing what you can do with it. It opens a lot of new ways to present data in a better and more userfriendly way.
Categories: Lists & Grids, Custom Controls
Tags: Architects, Developers, Data Binding, C#, 2. Intermediate, 3. Advanced, Customization, Data Binding, v6.4 and Later
Revision: 2
Posted: 05/Jan/2010
Updated: 02/July/2012
Status: Publish
Types: Code
I made a three level hierarchal ListView on the NorthWind demo database. You can see a demo here http://www.screencast.com/t/N2U5ZDRiNz.
I think there are a few nice things:
- the design and coloring when expanding and collapsing the rows
- when you expand an order all the other orders within that customer are automaticly collapsed
- there is only one scroll bar at the top level so not at all the containing ListViews
You need VWG 6.4 (Beta 2e) and Visual Studio 2008 to be able to run this demo.
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