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roy.goffer posted on November 06, 2011 :: 2895 Views

In the past few months the Visual WebGui core team has been intensively working on upgrading the overall out-of-the-box capabilities of Visual WebGui by extending and adding controls and features within the system. A version incorporating all the new capabilities and features is expected to be released before the end of the year.

The following list includes some of the major extensions and enhancements:

New Strip Controls

  • ContextStrip
  • MenuStrip
  • ToolStrip
  • StatusStrip


  • Add a ToolStrip to the RibbonBar control.
  • Allow the ToolStrip to be shown either above (default) or below the RibbonBar.
  • Allow the RibbonBarPage (content) to be minimized.
  • Add a round button to the top left corner of the RibbonBar.
  • Clicking on the RibbonBar round Button a Form will show, while not hiding the Button.
  • Change the RibbonBarGroups background on mouse over.
  • Allow RibbonBarButtons to be of three size modes Small/Medium/Large without requiring to place the button in a stack item.

New Containers

  • Panels can be docked at run-time to all directions inside a container and either pinned or auto-hidden. They can also contain other such dockable panels.
  • New ExpandableGroupBox – Clicking on the header hides and shows the content pane.
  • TabControl headers could be shown below the contents instead of above.


  • Can group by column. Dragging a column header or more at run-time to a designated pane at the top of the grid will group the table by that column.
  • Introduced table filtering on the column level, based on the value type of the column.
  • New hierarchical grid. Will be able to display a table as it relates to a field on a row on the grid, below that row as part of the overall view.
  • Run-time ability to select what columns will be displayed, by clicking on the related button and selecting the columns from the dialog.
  • Column auto-fit layouts introduced.
  • Multi cell selection modes introduced.
  • Cell click action options introduced.
  • Introduced the ability to determine if and how row expansion indicators are shown.
  • New cell border styles introduced.
  • New row border styles introduced.
  • Allow the hierarchical grid to be virtualized
  • Vertical scroll bound options introduced.
  • Add a property that determines if when resizing a row all other rows will be resized to that new height.
  • ToolTip shows the full column header text when column is too small to show all the header text.
  • Double click on column separator will expand the column to content's size.


  • Added a property to set the character casing of the inputted text.
  • Sorting options introduced.
  • Shows an overflow indicator and tooltip when closed and contained text is longer than can be shown in control's width.
  • Allows setting the default value that is shown when there are no items.


  • Property filtering at run-time introduced.


  • Added a Button view.
Posted in: Announcments, Releases


# tungphoebus
Wow, It will be a great release. The new DataGridView with build-in grouping, filtering capability is what i'm waiting for. Beside the new tabControl is the last thing make my web-application has the same loo&feel as the winform one. Thank you guys for the excellent works.
Posted by tungphoebus on Friday, December 23, 2011 9:31 AM

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