Visual WebGui News & Announcements

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Entries for 'roy.goffer'

roy.goffer posted on October 05, 2010
Visual WebGui version 6.3.16 is now released, with some fixes for DateTimePicker and multiline TextBox
We are excited to announce the new exclusive tools and methodologies of our CloudMove solution which enables the transposition of legacy Client/Server applications into a Web / Cloud / Mobile applications
roy.goffer posted on November 18, 2010
Visual WebGui 6.4 RC1 was released and is now available for download.
roy.goffer posted on November 22, 2010
Join us for a webcast on Thursday, Dec 2nd @ 17:00 GMT+2 explaining and showing how to run the new AssessmentTool and to understand the report it generates
roy.goffer posted on December 02, 2010
Visual WebGui 6.4.0 official release is now available for download
An update to the Visual WebGui CompanionKit was completed last week and it is now matches the Visual WebGui 6.4.0 Release version. The update also includes several enhancements to existing controls and features and the addition of some new ones.
After intesive work on a tool-based solution Gizmox is proud to present the Visual WebGui Instant CloudMove
After successfully tackling rich Web applications' major security, performance and economics challenges Gizmox is now extending Visual WebGui to Mobiles.
Tune in on our webcast on Microsoft Academy demonstrating the new tools for Windows Azure allowing to step up to the SaaS delivery model and enjoy the Cloud’s economics & scalability at minimal cost & time.
roy.goffer posted on March 16, 2011
A new version 6.4.0b released today adding a couple of interesting enhancements and new controls.
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