Visual WebGui News & Announcements

Get the latest news from Visual WebGui. The following announcements below should keep you updated with our latest technology, products releases and version updates.

6.4.0 release C which was released today adds stability to the WINWEB versions (Express and Pro Studio) across the framework.
Visual WebGui .NETHTML5 beta2 was released today as the 2nd iteration of the new solution which aims at developing rich HTML5 applications using .NET & jQuery.
A new version of the .NETHTML5 family is available for free download on the website. The updated version includes some enhancements and fixes such as support for Android browsers and internal and external mobile scroll.
As a result of the great interest and many inquires we see regarding the new .NETHTML5 version we want to share more information and our vision.
An updated product roadmap for the .NETHTML5 and Mobile framework as well as the Instant CloudMove (migration) solution was on the website
A new version (1.4) of the free AssessmentTool beta for analyzing the migration efforts of Windows Forms applications was released today and available for download.
Gizmox is presenting its innovative migration solution Instant CloudMove at Microsoft’s Worldwide Partner Conference (WPC11) tomorrow (July 13).
DevProConnections and WindowsITPro are now accepting nominations for the 2011 Community Choice Awards. These awards allow you to nominate developer products and services for special recognition.
A new comprehensive User Guide for the AssessmentTool is now available for download.   This Guide contains all of the necessary information for...
Gizmox is announcing the winners of a free ProStudio license and thanks all for taking the time to vote for Visual WebGui as the best add-in and cloud computing product or service.
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