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New Post  10/19/2010 2:48 AM
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Scrolling in panels with autoscroll=true 

How I can scroll my controls inside a autoscroll panel ? I am tryng VWG 6.4

New Post  10/20/2010 3:49 PM
12382 posts
1st Level Poster

Re: Scrolling in panels with autoscroll=true 

Hi Lionsitaly,

As there is more than one way to understand your question, please explain in more detail what it is you mean here and then we may be able to help.



Páll Björnsson - Visual WebGui support team - Email: [email protected]
New Post  10/25/2010 5:51 AM
20 posts
No Ranking

Re: Scrolling in panels with autoscroll=true 

Ok I try meanwhile I have found similiar to the solution , but I explain after.

What I eally need is a pan,zoom control to display images stored in a folder.

I want a scrolling picture with the possibility to move in some point inside the image. So I create a scrollable panel and I put a picturebox that I resize to follow User zoom and with a gateway I display the imge with scrollbar to allow user move inside the image .

But If I want programmaticly scroll to a point in the image the only solution I found is to put s invisible control in the panel and call


so the images scroll almost well . I say almost because sometime the invisible control is visible only as a small part, I think depending from previous position.

Sorry if not my explanation is not clear.

But is difficult to explain also with my language.




New Post  10/27/2010 5:28 PM
12382 posts
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Re: Scrolling in panels with autoscroll=true 

Hi Lionsitaly,

Si, I think I get your idea now, and I think this is a smart idea, although you are probably stretching Visual WebGui to the limits by using the ScrollControlIntoView like that. However, I think this may be a little hard for me to reproduce, so I need to ask you to create a small reproducing sample application clean it, zip it and then email it to the support email address (see my signature). Please remember to include in that message a full Http reference to this thread so we can pair your email with this thread. Please also post here when you have sent the email so we know when to look for it.

Regarding image viewing, have you considered integrating into Visual WebGui some ASP.NET alternatives? Take a look at the Wiki Images page, down at the bottom in Other references, which contains a few links, and a link to a thread discussing image viewing capabilities in Visual WebGui and alternative solutions.

Hope this helps,



Páll Björnsson - Visual WebGui support team - Email: [email protected]
New Post  10/30/2010 10:20 AM
12382 posts
1st Level Poster

Re: Scrolling in panels with autoscroll=true 

Hi Lionsitaly,

As I just responded to a very similar question, and did a little deeper digging this time, you may be interested in looking into this thread here. It tells you how to expose the Scrolling properties of the Panel control so you can set and get them at will.

Hope this helps,



Páll Björnsson - Visual WebGui support team - Email: [email protected]
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