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New Post  10/26/2010 1:50 PM
16 posts
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Panel Scrolling 


I have some issue regarding the panel control of gizmox. The windows equivalent of it has the scroll properties exposed so that we can programmatically scroll the panel but they seems to be absent in the panel equivalent of gizmox. Do you have any ideas how I can achieve that?



New Post  10/27/2010 2:44 AM
20 posts
No Ranking

Re: Panel Scrolling 

I have the same question and I found a workaround creating a dummy control and calling scrollcontrolintoview . Here I try to explain


New Post  10/27/2010 4:51 AM
16 posts
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Re: Panel Scrolling 
Modified By diggs_chauhan on 10/27/2010 7:57:39 AM)

Thanks for the reply. That does the scrolling bit. For doing this I have to enable scrolling which shows the panel scroll bars. I want to hide them somehow and do the scrolling by my custom button. Do you have any idea how to achieve that?


Panel I think is converted into div tag, so if we have any way of getting the div element reference in javascript, we can use javascript function to change the scrollTop property to do the scrolling. Is this realistic?


New Post  10/28/2010 8:43 AM
16 posts
No Ranking

Re: Panel Scrolling 


I tried extending the Panel class and from there I tried setting ScrollTop and ScrollLeft on button click, but there was no effect shown on the panel for that. I kept auto scroll = true but hide both the scroll bars using VScroll and HScroll (this effect was shown). Any inputs please?




New Post  10/28/2010 12:24 PM
698 posts
1st Level Poster

Re: Panel Scrolling 

Hi there,

not sure what your design reasons for doing this are but if it;s something like this:

Display a portion of a large image within the panel and then using left/right up/down buttons Pan the image around the panel rather than showing scrollbars

You could (potentially I think as I've not tried it!!) have a panel set to no scrolling, load into the panel a picturebox with your image as the background. Initially set the picturebix to co-ordinates 0,0 then using your buttons adjust the picturebox co-ordinates so that the image appeared to scroll around without scrollbars

If thats not similar to what you are trying to achieve then please explain further your requirements

Oh and if adjusting the co-ordinates doesn't work - then I'm sorry for wasting your time :)

cheers james

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