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Visual WebGui Runtime

Application Delivery Platform that provides the best of all worlds

VWG virtualizes desktop application's code atop standard Web server (rather than the OS) or VWG dedicated application server. This allows Visual WebGui virtualized applications to be accessed from plain browsers & Mobile without any specific installations on the client side while reproducing the strengths of desktop Client/Server, Web, Ajax RIA and application virtualization.

VWG Client/Server virtualization
VWG uniquely virtualizes apps atop Web Server

Runtime efficiency

VWG extends ASP.NET runtime with a standard HTTP/XML pipeline enhanced by Ajax methodologies. Tests proved that the VWG platform has one of the most efficient pipelines available in terms of performance and user interface responsiveness which is not affected by the complexity of data manipulations.

Due to VWG architecture, regardless of the data intensiveness, payloads will rarely exceed 1KB. The outcome is desktop user interface (UI) richness with desktop interactivity. The narrative of Gizmox engineers is that if developers fail to achieve desktop behavior on web, then they must check for complying with VWG best practices.

Visual WebGui web applications platform within the technology stack
VWG within Microsoft technology stack

Visual WebGui as a Cloud application Platform

Cloud applications are deployed on the cloud using services that the cloud infrastructure exposes. VWG offers abstraction of cloud deployment. To deploy a VWG application on the cloud the developer chooses cloud deployment in VWG SDK and deploy seamlessly.  Once deployed, VWG cloud application behaves like a standard VWG web application and delivers its unique benefits.

Cloud dedicated templates
VWG within the cloud layers

50% - 90% saving on running costs

VWG application consumes 50% of CPU and 10% of bandwidth compare to the same application built with traditional Ajax technologies. It translates directly into the lowest running costs, as cloud providers calculate running costs based on CPU and bandwidth consumption.

Practically unhackable client

VWG client was coined in the market as Empty Client. It got its name to emphasize the security benefits of not having open web services, not having data or logic on the client and it emphasizes the fact that a VWG client would not have any VWG specific installation. The Empty Client paradigm makes VWG client practically unhackable.

Simplicity = Productivity

A VWG application deploys exactly like an ASP.NET application, by copying the VWG and app's DLLs to IIS. It virtualizes the user interface on any standard browsers and mobile devices. The concept of 'develop once, deploy many' makes VWG highly flexible to serve diversified scenarios.

High scalability

VWG is highly scalable. It scales seamlessly on web and Cloud servers.  Users' benchmarks prove that VWG application can serve up to 800 simultaneous users per CPU/ Instance.

VWG web applications platform native scaling diagram  VWG cloud native scaling diagram
Web                                                     Cloud

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Platform Features
Web application Development framework Optimized pipeline (Empty Client)
Web application Development framework Unique server-side architecture
Web application Development framework Native scalability & redundancy
Platform Benefits
Web application Development framework 5X performance boost regardless of complexity
Web application Development framework Runs in all browsers w/ no plug-ins
Web application Development framework Simple deployment
Web application Development framework Bullet-proof security
Web application Development framework Unlimited number of concurrent users
Web application Development framework Application availability assurance