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Visual WebGui Case Studies

"we are able to fairly simply convert Client-Server systems, as this KBIS VB6 code to the Web. This allows us to concentrate mainly on planning the business logic and data logic affecting the GUI." Ofer Kamrat
“After evaluation of the available toolsets on the market to build dynamic websites, we chose the ASP.Net based Visual WebGui. Visual WebGui combined with SQL Server 2008 and SQL Reporting Services proved to be very good choices that exceeded the original expectations at ease of development, scalability, performance and security. Using this combination of tools allowed Jabber Enterprises to meet all of their requirements on schedule.” Mike Penn, Owner of SaaS Web Apps and Jabber Enterprises, LLP
“Finding the right development platform that would provide our clients with the ease of deployment, scalability and availability that you get with a web app as well as the performance and security of a desktop app that would be able to handle thousands of contracts and many users became a ‘no-brainer’ when we discovered Visual WebGui” Mike Penn - Owner - SaaS Web Apps
“The first time we saw the migrated application running over the web we couldn’t tell the difference from the original Windows application and it says it all. We were truly amazed by the result and completion time.”
Lars Martin, Product Manager
“By removing the barriers of the local network, Visual WebGui has changed how we can do business” said Lloyd Everist, General Manager Dawsons Group.
“The tough part of making the web GUI appealing was very easy so our development team could focus on the core functionality of application requirements. Visual WebGui made the project feasible and fun.” Dave Bhatia
“We ran 6 independent tests and the results showing that Visual WebGui is 4 times faster were the same each time… We also compared against using a Citrix model with a Windows application but the scalability was too costly.” Derek Hart
“When we received the project estimations from the migration experts at Gizmox we were a bit skeptical at first as it seemed too good to be true… not only that the solution was exactly what we needed but it was also priced lower than all other alternatives.” Dr. Wendy Graham
“Visual WebGui provides the best starting point by far when migrating from a .NET based technology… it also provides a huge advantage by allowing to keep the maintenance and any future development within Visual Studio and the same .NET skills and programming knowhow.” Leon Langlayben, Chief Architect at Guardian.
“Gizmox Instant CloudMove technology allowed us to quickly transpose our aging VB6 application to HTML5 front-end and then seamlessly merge the code with the code that was rewritten… after only a couple of months we achieved a modern and improved HTML5 web-based application that we are proud to present to potential customers.”
Moshe Matsliah, CEO
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