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Visual WebGui Press Releases

Visual WebGui, for the first time, enables Silverlight development for enterprises, utilizing Windows Forms-like RAD development and a more powerful and secured GUI.
The new Empty Client Platform works with Microsoft ASP.NET to provide the highest level of security and a framework that simplifies and reduces development cycles by up to 90%
Visual WebGui saves SAP more than $720K in development costs for one enterprise application, cutting development time in half
Upgraded Edition Features a Consolidated Installer and a Higher Level of Integration into Visual Studio for a Dramatic Improvement in Developer Experience and also development environment compatibility
The contest bets $10,000 that no one can hack their Empty Client Platform, Visual WebGui
Allows a simple and fast rich business web application development with up to 90% reduction in development time and the highest levels of security
More than 1,700 users unsuccessfully attempted to break into the Visual WebGui pipeline.
Visual WebGui 6.4 allows users to create rich, customized, and creative web AJAX user interfaces (UI’s) without any need to code in JavaScript, HTML, CSS, or XAML with Silverlight. The Point & Click Web Design Tool is a ground breaking approach to simple, intuitive developer/designer interface.
New partnership offers customers free hosting on DiscountASP.NET and a markdown on VWG products
Gizmox to be featured by Azure Team as Cloud Service Platform enabler
ArtinSoft and Gizmox have joined forces to provide a comprehensive solution to migrate legacy Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 applications to a Web-based DHTML or Microsoft Silverlight.
More than just energy benefits, Green IT can save on hardware and resources for applications as shown by the Visual WebGui based Verismic Power Manager™ Software
Visual WebGui Web/Cloud platform offers a $10,000 reward for writing a Webmail application with minimal lines of code
With Visual WebGui Cloud application platform, developers can now deploy their applications to Windows Azure with the click of a button with no re-writes or new programming skills needed
“We are honored to have this dynamic group of professionals join the Solution Alliance Network. Visual WebGui offers ASCII Members a robust platform to create applications with ease, in less time, cost, and does not require traditional Ajax skills. With easy to use drag and drop features, built in security, fast performance, and excellent support, Visual WebGui is a model addition to the ASCII Community”, said Alan D. Weinberger, Founder, Chairman and CEO of ASCII.
The new version offers upgraded performance, scalability and complete developer and designer freedom to design and customize Web 2.0 like user interfaces
Visual WebGui 6.4 allows easy development of Ajax empowered web & cloud applications using simple VB6-like patterns and enhanced customization, extension and user interface designing capabilities from within Visual Studio.
SME’s now find themselves on the same playing field as large companies in developing and migrating web and cloud applications
Visual WebGui that was offered with Form based web development, and unprecedented adoption with desktop developers is now extending its programming model to XAML offering Web developers a more at home feeling.
The new version is now available for download in free open source Express format or in Professional open source trial version.
Gizmox, the developer of the award-winning Visual WebGui (VWG) Platform announced today its instant CloudMove assessment tool that tells prospects "how close their applications are to the Cloud".
Instant CloudMove provides simplest, fastest transformation path from .NET and VB6 Client/Server applications to secure SaaS-native .NET based Cloud/Web and Mobile deployments
In partnership with IdeoMobile, business mobile solutions have been developed and implemented quickly with minimal cost
VWG technology allows auto-transposition of client/server application code to Windows Azure
Gizmox's Visual WebGui was named one of the 100 Top Cloud Computing Vendors by Everything Channel’s CRN
Visual WebGui ProStudio .NETHTML5 is a gateway for .Net developers to shift into the new open rich web standard HTML5 whilst avoiding the data-binding, session management and Ajax complexities of data-centric graphic-rich HTML5 applications
SD Times recognizes Gizmox as Top Ten world wide Cloud leaders
as it included Gizmox in the SD Times 100 for second consecutive year
Gizmox Receives Strategic Investment from Citrix Systems to support emerging enterprise rich internet, cloud and mobile needs.
Gizmox, the developer of the award-winning Visual WebGui (VWG) cloud and mobile platform, announced today the availability of the preview version of its Visual WebGui Enterprise Mobile, the first platform for .Net developers to build secure, efficient data-centric enterprise HTML5 applications for cross platform mobile devices including iOS, Android and every W3C browser using their existing development skills.
Release of Instant CloudMove Transposition Studio CTP, a Self-Service Visual Studio Integrated Solution, the Only Tool that Enables Enterprises to Extend Business Applications That Were Written for Desktop Architecture, to HTML5 Web and Mobile
Solution is first Enterprise Platform for .NET Developers to Build Secure and Efficient HTML5 Applications for Either Desktop Browsers or Mobile Devices, Using the Same Code Base