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Instant CloudMove Transposition Studio

Migrate & Modernize client/server applications to rich .NET/ASP.NET HTML5 using your existing resources

Overview Features

The TranspositionStudio is the main tool of the Instant CloudMove solution for moving locally installed applications (at this stage VB6 and .NET) to native .NET web applications with HTML5 front-ends, that can be maintained and developed with standard Microsoft tools.

The Studio transposes most of the original client/server code to its new web-based environment automatically, without any user intervention. A unique built-in Mapping mechanism is used for the rest of the code (about only 5%) in order to bridge the gap between desktop and web or cloud technologies by cross-mapping controls/capabilities and defining appropriate rules. In adidtion to the migration benefits, the Studio also allows modernization capabilities such as code enhancements or total refactoring to the latest .NET or mobile capabilities.

The result is a high performance, low-risk solution for moving client/server applications to the post PC world and the fastest time to market compared to rewriting your applications or any other migration approach.

Technology & Environment Standard Enterprise
VB6 to VB.NET Windows Forms + +
Support for Web/Cloud-Ready standalone + +
VB6 to ASP.NET HTML5 Web, Cloud & Mobile deployments + +
VB6 to C# .NET Windows Forms + +
VB6 to C# Web-ready or Web, Cloud & Mobile + +
.NET Windows Forms to HTML5 Web, Cloud & Mobile deployment + +
Transposition to plain .NET (C#, VB.NET) - no runtime libraries + +
Feature/Capability Standard Enterprise
Visual Studio Shell integration + +
Iterative migration process + +
Automatic process output is a compile-able .NET + +
Comprehensive code refactoring  - +

Overview Features

Automatic transposition wizard

Over 95% of the VB6 code is automatically transposed as Instant CloudMove only needs to bridge the gaps between client/server and web technologies using a unique Mapping Studio. The transposition is done at a quick pace of 100,000 lines of code per minute. Transposition Wizard 

Assessment report

Accurate and detailed free code analysis report specifies how much time and resources are needed. In addition, the process itself relies on high automation levels that reduce the number of human decisions to a minimum. Free Migration Assessment Report

Code enhancements

UI upgrades and code modernization (refactoring) are available during the migration process using the intuitive Mapping Studio, in order to fully take advantage of the modern .NET framework. Refactoring & Code upgrades

Familiar development environment

Standard maintenance and further development in MS Visual Studio in a pure .NET development environment. Visual .NET development environment

100% pure .NET code

The output is a compile-able .NET code either in C# or VB.NET. pure .NET code

Continuous evolving development

No need to stop working on the original application even during the migration process. Continuous development 

Know what it takes

Experience Yourself

Download Free Migration Assessment Tool Download Free Transposition Studio CTP
*The CTP only transposes the VB6 demo app
TranspositionStudio Benefits
Application Migration & Modernization Shortest time to market
Application Migration & Modernization Fast code transposition
Application Migration & Modernization Simple and intuitive tools
Application Migration & Modernization Minimal manual work
Application Migration & Modernization Allows in-process code enhancement and refactoring

A Downloadable self-service version will be available in 2013. Until then, you are free to experience the concept and the tools wth the CTP or to Contact Us if you are interested in migration and modernization services.