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Visual WebGui Case Studies


Entries for the 'Migration' Category

"With Visual WebGui we were able to build an agile and secure web user interface that meets the requirements of our customer in terms of functionality and time-to-market Interface"
"For many years we looked at ASP.NET and other web technologies, but none of them allowed us the flexibility, speed of development and ease of maintenance that we could deliver with a desktop application. Visual WebGui changed that." Andrew McGrath
"Had we followed regular ASP.NET development instead the time would have been at least doubled… Visual WebGui the perfect tool for developing & deploying Web Enterprise applications," Enrico Pavesi CTO of Nexus Informatica
"The way Visual WebGui handles the Ajax plumbing behind the scenes produces great performance results… The familiarity of the controls combined with the performance of lightweight Ajax calls make Visual WebGui truly great!" Stephen Anders
"Thanks to Visual WebGui the product is a simple, easy to use and efficient application that performs exceptionally well over the web while accessible on multiple platforms and browsers," Roy van Duist
“Visual WebGui turned out to be a magic stick to heal most of our ASP.NET problems and concerns… We want to be rich, so use VWG and give us 10% of the money you will save” Marcin Pytel, Project Manager
"Visual WebGui helped me to easily develop a web application with an intuitive interface, allowing to concentrate on… the business logic… and on the needs of the customers… The UI design is easy even for a non-designer." Luca Morelli
"Developers who were intimidated by the move to the world of web development immediately turned enthusiastic with the new project in Visual WebGui because they could feel useful again." Toni Garcias
“The first time we saw the migrated application running over the web we couldn’t tell the difference from the original Windows application and it says it all. We were truly amazed by the result and completion time.”
Lars Martin, Product Manager
“When we received the project estimations from the migration experts at Gizmox we were a bit skeptical at first as it seemed too good to be true… not only that the solution was exactly what we needed but it was also priced lower than all other alternatives.” Dr. Wendy Graham
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