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Visual WebGui Case Studies

"The way Visual WebGui handles the Ajax plumbing behind the scenes produces great performance results… The familiarity of the controls combined with the performance of lightweight Ajax calls make Visual WebGui truly great!" Stephen Anders
"Thanks to Visual WebGui Monsta allows song writers to upload their catalog of songs and get them instantly reviewed by publishers in a responsive easily to use web based application environment." Jamie Simonsen
"What's great about Visual WebGui is that a core-developer doesn’t have to code in HTML, Ajax or JavaScript; everything is done by the VWG framework itself" Ernstjan Freriks
"Had we followed regular ASP.NET development instead the time would have been at least doubled… Visual WebGui the perfect tool for developing & deploying Web Enterprise applications," Enrico Pavesi CTO of Nexus Informatica
"A single programmer is capable of creating a rich web application without the need of having any experience in HTML, ASP, JavaScript or AJAX."
"Visual WebGui makes the delivery of sophisticated applications about as simple as it could be… We delivered this application with 1.25 developers part time over 4 months, including the SQL database design"
"Visual WebGui is second to none when it comes to deployment… the development experience is fast and enjoyable compared to the WYSINWYG (What you see is NOT what you get) in .aspx pages"

"...As a result, it was decided to develop an enhanced solution for those 70+ franchisees which would provide more efficient processes, quicker response time and more accurate reporting. The application must be web based, allow multi-user access and at the same time fast and secure."

"...Visual WebGui allowed the team members which were Windows developers to jump right in with almost no learning curve due to a visual drag & drop designer that is similar to WinForms."

"...As a result, developing the new HUB web application with Visual WebGui saved more than $100,000 while allowing centers to run more efficiently with the much improved user interface that the customer experiences."
"For many years we looked at ASP.NET and other web technologies, but none of them allowed us the flexibility, speed of development and ease of maintenance that we could deliver with a desktop application. Visual WebGui changed that." Andrew McGrath
"With Visual WebGui we were able to build an agile and secure web user interface that meets the requirements of our customer in terms of functionality and time-to-market Interface"
"Developing an application with Visual WebGui is a charm. UI design is done in a snap and coding is as easy as building a Windows application. Had we done it in .NET it would have been completed with less usability and in more time."
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